Do you have questions on deck design? Now’s the chance to ask the pros! Renowned deck expert Mike Guertin joins AWC’s Matt Hunter, BCO, and Loren Ross, PE for a panel discussion on all things deck construction. Topics covered will include relevant International Residential Code (IRC) references, AWC’s Design for Code Acceptance 6 (DCA6) – Prescriptive Residential Deck Construction Guide, and other relevant documents. Attendees are asked to come prepared with plenty of questions – in this new panel discussion format we are encouraging participants to engage with our experts and help guide the discussion!
By the end of this learning unit, you will be able to:
- Discuss deck load path code requirements and how to satisfy them.
- Recognize proper design and detailing of significant components.
- Identify best construction practices outlined in DCA6s.
- Indicate relevant analysis requirements and code updates.
Funding provided in part by the Softwood Lumber Board.