Enrollment options

About this course

This program includes discussion about wood-based connection design based on numerous help desk questions and feedback from design professionals. AWC has identified some commonly overlooked wood-based connection engineering requirements from the National Design Specification® (NDS®) for Wood Construction and Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) for discussion. Connection detailing requirements and design examples will also be provided.

Funding provided in part by the Softwood Lumber Board.

Sponsors Filter: American Wood Council
Topics Filter: Design Considerations
Credit Designations Filter: AIA, ICC
Learning Hours: 1.5
Credit Designation: 1.5 AIA LU/HSW, 0.15 ICC CEU
AIA Course Number: DES341-OD 1.5H
ICC Number: 21141


Start date: 10/18/23
End date: 08/02/25

Course files

Enrollment methods

Select an enrollment method
Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)