Durable Construction with Preservative-Treated Wood
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In applications where wood may be exposed to moisture, insects or fungal organisms, preservative-treated wood can help ensure a building’s durability. In this presentation, participants will learn about the manufacturing process for pressure-treated wood, available products and their differences, and how preserved wood is used in construction. Topics include an overview of preservative treatments, desired service life and exposure conditions, AWPA Use Category standards and current issues concerning the safe use of treated wood. Participants will also receive instructions for free downloading of the Treated Lumber Guide smartphone/tablet app.
Funding provided in part by the Softwood Lumber Board.
Sponsors Filter: American Wood Council
Topics Filter: Materials
Credit Designations Filter: AIA, ICC
Learning Hours: 1
Credit Designation: 1 AIA LU/HSW, 0.1 ICC CEU
AIA Course Number: MAT212OD 1H
ICC Number: 35292
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