Course info
This course introduces basic design and construction methods for single-story residential wood decks focusing on the significant changes for the 2018 IRC. The vertical and lateral load paths of conventional residential decks are addressed in the 2018 International Residential Code. Specific design guidance includes convenient span tables for joists and beams and charts of post sizing limitations and connection methods. Figures for multiple lateral connections make connection to an existing dwelling simpler and require less removal of existing materials.
Sponsors Filter: American Wood Council
Topics Filter: Building Codes & Standards
Credit Designations Filter: AIA, ICC, PDH
Learning Hours: 1.5
Credit Designation: 1.5 AIA LU/HSW, 0.15 ICC CEU, 1.5 PDH
AIA Course Number: BCD310OD 1.5H
ICC Number: 19863
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